As Leonard Bernstein would say, “I’m so lucky to be me“. This time, I was really happy, and lucky as well. My dear friend Ch’ti Jean decided in a moment of weakness to move houses. Little did he know how much stuff he had in his workshop, so Denis and I gave him a helping hand. During the move, he came across a quite nice piece of bird’s eye poplar, and I was tasked to take it home – my home. That worked well for me, a favour you can’t refuse.
The size of the log was about 120 cm long and 50 wide. The final form which emerged from that log of wood is quite stunning, and keeps somewhat the middle between Belgian lace and marble. I was quite happy with the result, and judging from the reactions in the Gaillac community workshop, I was not the only one. The diameter of the dish is about 38 centimeter. Right now, given Jean’s woodturning talent, I’m quite curious to see what he will do with the second half of his log…